The Getting Real With Hilary Show, February 4, 2025
04 February 2025

The Getting Real With Hilary Show, February 4, 2025

BBS Radio TV Station Streams
Title: S2EP64, 25 Years of Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical Abuse, Escaping the Cult with Martha Kartaoui

Martha Kartaoui was chosen by “Cultman” at age 8. He was the intercessor to God. No one questioned his authority. They deserved the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical abuse. It cleansed them of their sins.

It's the life she knew. She only escaped so that she could be with her sister in the "outside world" through her pregnancy. She didn't even realize that "Cultman" was an evil narcissistic sociopath.

Martha has gone through her own healing of all the abuse that she suffered and now is clear about her purpose. She is bringing awareness and healing to others who have left highly controlled relationships and organizations.

She wants to provide community, trauma healing, a way to release shame, fear and guilt, and help people feel less alone as they transition to life outside of the cult.

Martha's book, "Glory Going All In" is available on her website and you can reach out to her to find out about her speaking, coaching, and retreats.

Thank you, Martha, for your courage, your generosity, and your commitment for the world.

Martha Glory Kartaoui is a resilient and courageous warrior who has transformed her life from being a Cult Survivor to becoming an influential voice and leader in the wellness industry. As the owner of PIC Wellness, LLC, she is dedicated to helping others achieve their best overall holistic health Mind, Body and Spirit. Martha is also an Amazon Best Selling International Author, a dynamic speaker, a life visionary, and a skilled healing workshop facilitator. Her unique blend of professional training, personal experience, and spiritual wisdom enables her to walk alongside survivors and support profound warrior transformations.


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