AskDeveloper Podcast
AskDeveloper Podcast

AskDeveloper Podcast

Welcome to the AskDeveloper Podcast, in this podcast Tamer Zaki & Mohamed Elsherif are discussing the many software related issues especially in the Egyptian technology market, and how to change the culture for companies and development teams to adopt the right methodologies and processes.

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EP92 - AskDeveloper Podcast - من السيرفر الى السحابة - حنجيب سيرة قواعد البيانات مع أحمد عياد
17 November 2024
EP92 - AskDeveloper Podcast - من السيرفر الى السحابة - حنجيب سيرة قواعد البيانات مع أحمد عياد
لو خطر في بالك قبل كده ليه عندنا كل قواعد البيانات دي, و ليه فيه منهم انواع مختلفة DBMS, NOSQL و غيرهم, طيب الناس اللي بتشتغل على الحاجات دي ايه التحديات اللي بيواجهوها, و ايه التخصص ده و ايه المتطلبات بتاعته.

Ahmed Ayad is a SQL Engineer by trade, a database guy by education and training, and data dude by passion.

I am currently an Engineering Director of the Managed Storage and Workload Management team in Google #BigQuery, building the best large scale enterprise data warehouse on the planet.

My team owns the core parts of BigQuery involved in managing user data, metadata catalog, streaming and batch ingestion, replication, resource management and placement, physical sharding, and structured lake analytics. Over the years we have:
- Grew data under management by several orders of magnitude.
- Grew BigQuery's global footprint to more than 20+ regions and counting.
- Enabled the hyper scaling of data analytics for a Who's Who list of Fortune 500 users, both Enterprise and Cloud-native.

I am passionate about building cool technologies at scale, and the effective teams that create them.

Things I did in previous professional lives:

- I have shipped components in SQL Server product since SQL Server 2008. Worked on the Performance Data Collector, Policy Based Management, AlwaysOn, The Utility Control Point, SQL Azure stack from the backend to the middle-tier and Portal, SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Optimizer, and SQL Server Management Tools.

- Did Database research in the areas of Data Mining, Query Optimization, and Data Streaming.
EP84 - Ask Developer Podcast - ازاي توصل للشركات العالمية مع منارة
22 October 2024
EP84 - Ask Developer Podcast - ازاي توصل للشركات العالمية مع منارة
منارة هي أكبر مجتمع لمهندسي البرمجة في الشرق الاوسط و منصة متخصصة لتدريب المبرمجين على انهم ينجحوا في انترفيوهات أكبر شركات التقنية العالمية ي جوجل و ميتا و امازون و غيرهم.


Objective: Encourage as many software engineers in MENA to Sign Up Today to our Free self-paced programs that will prepare them to pass interviews at Global Tech companies & startups.

What does Manara do?
We provide free self-paced programs to MENA software engineers to prepare them to pass interviews at Global & Regional tech companies & startups.
We have 100+ hiring partners mostly in the USA & Europe who hire from our graduates pool all year long because they trust our vetting process.
We have placed 300+ software engineers in companies like Google, Meta, Amazon, Apple, Qualtrics, Noon, Careem & many more.
We are MENA’s #1 community for software engineers. You will be motivated to develop your skills within a like-minded community and then stay motivated with them during your job search!

In this episode we will be talking to Amr Elselouky.
Amr is Manara's Regional Director leading the strategy & programs in MENA. With a decade of experience in education, L&D and EdTech; Amr brings in an insightful perspective that will help software engineers what it takes to develop themselves and prepare for interviews at tech companies.
EP87 - AskDeveloper Podcast - كيف تبني استراتيجية للذكاء الصناعي مع د لمياء يوسف
22 October 2024
EP87 - AskDeveloper Podcast - كيف تبني استراتيجية للذكاء الصناعي مع د لمياء يوسف
في لقاء اليوم حنكمل حديثنا عن الذكاء الصناعي, و النهاردة في لقاءنا مع د لمياء يوسف حنتكلم عن سؤال الذكاء الصناعي اللي بيواجه أغلب المؤسسات و الشركات حالياً و ازاي بيتم تطوير استراتيجيات الذكاء الصناعي للاجابة عن السؤال ده.

Dr. Lamia Youseff has been working in AI / ML / Cloud for ~25 years, in both Executive AI Engineering roles at BigTech (Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook) and in research positions in academia (MIT, Stanford, UCSB). Most notably, she is one of the founding engineers of Google Cloud (GCP), an $10B+ ARR Product for Google. Recently at Apple, she led a multi-billion-dollar revenue-generating AI product as Director of AI engineering, leading a team of 150 AI and MLops engineers. Before that, she led Facebook's ML Platform, used for AI workloads across all Facebook family of products. She is also a founding engineer of Google Cloud and a former principal at Microsoft Azure.

She is currently the CEO of JazzComputing, an AI Advisory firm, a visiting research scientist at Stanford University in Computer Science and AI, and a research affiliate with MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL). She earned her Ph.D. and Master's in computer science from UCSB and a Master's in business management and strategy from Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB), where she is a visiting lecturer today teaching AI technology strategy. She is a keynote speaker and regularly writes and speaks about AI and the AI intellectual revolution we are embarking on accelerated by AI & Cloud.

‎مصادر و روابط من الحلقة

1. Autodeck CEO on AI Changing Construction Industry: ‪‬. 1:30
2. AI Transformation in Energy Sector: Usecase showcase: ‪‬. 2:30
3. AI & Robotics Transformation in Construction: Product/ Usecase Showcase showcase: ‪‬. 3:30
4. Transformation in Energy Retail: Product Showcase: ‪‬
5. GenAI in Engineering Design: Product Showcase: ‪‬ (2 min)
6. GenAI in Engineering Design: Usecase(s) showcase: ‪‬
7. UCB Haas Case: SLB Disrupting the Traditional Energy Industry: Case Study of Transformation & Change Mgt: ‪‬
8. Is the Construction Industry most prime for disruption? Business Strategy Conversation: ‪‬ (4min)
EP89 - AskDeveloper Podcast - لقاء بمناسبة الوصول ل 100 ألف مشترك في Egyptian Geeks
22 October 2024
EP89 - AskDeveloper Podcast - لقاء بمناسبة الوصول ل 100 ألف مشترك في Egyptian Geeks
نحتفل النهاردة معاكم بحدث استثنائي في مشوار EgyptianGeeks, جروبنا وصل لـ ١٠٠ ألف عضو 🎉🎉، وكل واحد فيكم كان جزء من الرحلة دي.

الجروب ده اتأسس علشان يبقى مساحة مميزة للمتمرسين والمحترفين في مجالات البرمجة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات. هدفنا كان دايمًا إننا نوفر محتوى غني بالتفاصيل ونقاشات تساعد الناس اللي جادة في تطوير مهاراتها للوصول لمستويات أعلى من خلال محتوى غني بالتفاصيل ونقاشات تقنية عميقة.

رحلتنا من 2010 شفنا صعود وهبوط في مستوى وجودة المشاركات، وسمعنا أراء وتقييمات من ناس كتير منكم إن المحتوى بقى أقل احترافية في بعض الأوقات. وده حقيقي، إحنا بنقر بإن فيه فترات الجروب مر فيها بتراجع في جودة المشاركات، لكن دايمًا عندنا هدف إننا نرجع للطريق الصح قدر المستطاع.
وبفضل دعمكم المستمر بالمحتوي والنقاشات والجدال البناء احياناً😃، قدرنا نوصل للنقطة دي ولعدد لم يكن في توقعاتنا لما بدأنا الجروب من ١٤ سنة.

شكراً لحضراتكم جميعاً, شكراً لكل عضو شارك، أو كتب، أو حتى إكتفى بمتابعة النقاشات. أنتم اللي بتخلوا EgyptianGeeks مكان مميز, وبدعمكم المستمر هنكمل ونخلي الجروب دايماً مصدر إلهام ومكان لكل المحترفين التقنيين.
EP90 - AskDeveloper Podcast - الفروق بين دول أوربا و أمريكا و كندا و ايه اللي تتوقعه - مع نشأت سليمان
22 October 2024
EP90 - AskDeveloper Podcast - الفروق بين دول أوربا و أمريكا و كندا و ايه اللي تتوقعه - مع نشأت سليمان
في حلقة اليوم حنناقش سؤال متكرر من ناس كثير بتفكر في السفر و هو ايه اللي يتوقعوه في الدول دي من ناحية الشغل و السوق و الحياة و الهجرة, و ايه الفروق الكبيرة بينهم.
حيشرفني النهارة بشمهندس نشأت سليمان و هو عنده خبرة شخصية في العمل و الاقامة و في الدول دي, و حيقدر يجاوب على التساؤلات دي من خلال خبرته الشخصية

Nashaat Soliman is a seasoned technology professional with a diverse career spanning multiple continents and industries. He began his journey in Egypt, earning an electrical engineering degree from Ain Shams University and an M.Sc. from Helwan University.
Soliman's career took an international turn when he moved to Canada to join a startup specializing in satellite receiver technology. There, he transitioned from firmware development to product management, gaining valuable experience in the tech industry.
Seeking new challenges, Soliman relocated to Seattle to work at Microsoft. He contributed to the OS kernel group, where he played a pivotal role in porting Windows to ARM architecture. This groundbreaking project required deep knowledge of system architecture, device drivers, and performance optimization.
In addition to his work on ARM porting, Soliman also contributed to runtime power management algorithms within the OS kernel. His expertise in this area helped to improve the energy efficiency and battery life of Windows devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Soliman's tenure at Microsoft allowed him to deepen his understanding of large-scale software development, enterprise solutions, and cutting-edge hardware technologies.
In search of further growth and exposure, Soliman joined Meta Platforms and the Reality Labs team in London. This move provided him with the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from various cultures and countries while working on cutting-edge technologies in the augmented and virtual reality space.
Soliman's career continued to evolve as he joined a pan-European scale-up operating in multiple European countries. This experience exposed him to different market dynamics and business models within the European tech landscape.
Currently, Soliman resides in Spain, where he continues to contribute to the tech industry and explore new opportunities. His extensive experience and diverse skill set make him a valuable asset to any organization.