Ep. 66 Ken Poyner | Small presses, life beyond writing, and carving your own path
06 October 2022

Ep. 66 Ken Poyner | Small presses, life beyond writing, and carving your own path

Arts Calling Podcast

Hi there,

Today it's a pleasure to be arts calling Ken Poyner!

About our guest:
Ken's four collections of brief fictions and four collections of speculative poetry can be found at most online booksellers.  He spent 33 years in information system management, is married to a world record holding female power lifter, and has a family of several cats and betta fish.  Individual works have appeared in "Café Irreal", "Analog", "Danse Macabre", "The Cincinnati Review", and several hundred other places.

For more information, please visit: www.kpoyner.com and www.barkingmoosepress.com

Thanks for taking the time, Ken! All the best!


Arts Calling is produced by Jaime Alejandro. If you like the show: please consider reviewing the podcast and sharing it with those who love the arts, or are starting their creative journey! Your support truly makes a difference, so check out the new website artscalling.com for the latest episodes!

Go make a dent: much love,
