Ep. 63 Raegen Pietrucha | Head of a Gorgon, marketing, and a reunion episode!
15 September 2022

Ep. 63 Raegen Pietrucha | Head of a Gorgon, marketing, and a reunion episode!

Arts Calling Podcast

TW: This episode is a discussion about a work that addresses sexual violence.

Hi friends,

Today I'm so excited to be arts calling Raegen Pietrucha, welcome back!

About our guest:
Raegen Pietrucha is a professional and creative writer, editor, consultant, and educator with two degrees in English and more than 20 years of combined experience. Her chapbook, An Animal I Can’t Name, won the 2015 Two of Cups Press competition; her debut poetry collection, Head of a Gorgon, is now available via Vegetarian Alcoholic Press; and she has a memoir in progress. She received her MFA from Bowling Green State University, where she was an assistant editor for Mid-American Review. Her creative work has been published in Cimarron Review, Puerto del Sol, and other journals.

About Head of a Gorgon:
Head of a Gorgon is a narrative in poems that reimagines the myth of Medusa, transporting this ancient tale of sexual violence into contemporary times and examining it through a survivor-centric, feminist lens. Via persona poems that enable readers to hear this story primarily and directly from a protagonist often sidelined or silenced in other tellings, this devastating collection brings the visceral physical and psychological experiences and effects of sexual trauma out of the shadows and into the spotlight, revealing a path along which survivors might reimagine themselves within the societal structures that work against them.

Head of a Gorgon now available here: http://vegetarianalcoholicpress.com/titles/raegen-pietrucha-head-of-a-gorgon

Raegen's website: https://raegenmp.wordpress.com.

@freeradicalrp on Twitter

@raegenmp on Instagram

Thanks so much for your time, Raegen! Great to talk to you again!


Arts Calling is produced by Jaime Alejandro. If you like the show: consider reviewing the podcast and sharing it with those who love the arts, your support truly makes a difference! Check out the new website artscalling.com for the latest episodes!

Go make a dent: much love,
