"Am I the A-Hole?" Apple Pie: AITA #1: Work Place Harassment, Bridezilla, & a Creepy Dad?

"Am I the A-Hole?" Apple Pie: AITA #1: Work Place Harassment, Bridezilla, & a Creepy Dad?

Am I The Ahole Apple Pie

About this episode

Date 8 25 2022

Episode 1 of the Am I the Ahole Apple Pie Podcast!

The podcast where I , Your Host Harainna share AITA posts from reddit and attempt to figure out who was the rotten apple of the story and who was not!

You can participate in the show by leaving a voicemail, emailing the show or tweeting the show on twitter!

Twitter: @AITAapplePiePod  https://twitter.com/AITAapplePiePod

EMAIL: AITAApplePie@gmail.com

And you can find this show and every other show hosted by be at my podcast network found at www.CozyCottageGaming.com

AITA for getting my interviewer fired? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/v8gw85/aita_for_getting_my_interviewer_fired/

WIBTA If I reported my coworker to HR for asking to touch my hair after I've repeatedly told her no? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/v8dv0c/wibta_if_i_reported_my_coworker_to_hr_for_asking/ 

AITA for leaving a wedding early as a bridesmaid and causing the wedding to get charged a $500 cleanup fee? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/v87d7z/aita_for_leaving_a_wedding_early_as_a_bridesmaid/

AITA for installing a lock on my bedroom door https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/v8duhm/aita_for_installing_a_lock_on_my_bedroom_door/