Venture philanthropy and storytelling for social impact with Ravinol Chambers
05 March 2021

Venture philanthropy and storytelling for social impact with Ravinol Chambers

Be On Air


This week's episode of Be On Air delves deep into growing a business with sustainability as a mindset, how to inspire positive change with Venture Philanthropy and equitable practices, as well as some great tech tips for editing a podcast. 

We get to go into Ravinol’s two-year journey to make this documentary and the unexpected feedback that caused him to take a SECOND trip to India to finish the film. We talk about the use of story-telling for podcasters to help them grow their show, how to use video in your podcast, and the challenges of divisive thinking in society. 

Ravinol Chambers is a former monk, the director for the documentary Road to Vrindavan, host of The Evolving Door podcast, and the founder of the award winning creative agency Be Inspired Films

“Educating girls is not about women versus men it’s about our future versus our past.”

-Ravinol Chambers

Make sure to catch the premier at the San Luis Obispo Film Festival!

Be Inspired Films

Road to Vrindavan

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[00:30] - Intro

[01:39] - How Ravinol got into filmmaking?

[03:30] - When Be Inspired Films was created?

[07:00] - Funding to Fail and Venture Philanthropy

[10:02] - Growing sustainable businesses

[13:11] - How to involve more storytelling in your video?

[15:38] - Informative Content vs Emotive Storytelling

[19:21] - How the Evolving Door Podcast started?

[23:50] - The Value of Small Format Video Content

[27:56] - Tech Tips for implementing video into your show.

[30:39] - The Making of The Road To Vrindavan.

[38:29] - Developing the Story for Road To Vrindavan.

[40:23] - How to help men and boys change their mental framework?

[47:10] - Trailer for Road to Vrindavan and About Malala

[52:02] - How to get connected with Ravinol Chambers?