19. The Mongols - Terror of the Steppe (Part 1)
05 December 2024

19. The Mongols - Terror of the Steppe (Part 1)

Fall of Civilizations Podcast

In the far east of the Eurasian steppe, the sound of hoofbeats is growing...

In this episode we travel along the vast grassland corridor of the steppe, to hear one of the most remarkable and unlikely stories from medieval history – the story of the Mongol Empire. Find out how this group of nomadic horse riders united the peoples of the Mongolian steppe, and forged them into a truly unique kind of state. Discover how they conquered much of the lands of Eurasia, and brought the distant cultures of China, Persia, the Middle East and Europe into contact. And hear the story of how the world’s largest land empire finally came apart, and left the world as we know it in its wake.

Voice Actors:

Michael Hajiantonis
Henry Stenhouse
Lachlan Lucas
Alexandra Boulton
Simon Jackson
Tom Marshall-Lee
Chris Harvey,
Nick Denton
Amrit Sandhu
Matt Bidulph
Paul Casselle

Readings in Arabic were performed by Oussama Taher.
Readings in Chinese were by Richard Teng.
Readings from the secret history of the Mongols in Mongolian were performed by Uiles