Preaching - Rick Ouma

About this episode




🎤 That's the title

of our Lunch Hour

Preaching Message



In Acts 27

Paul and the other prisoners

went through a storm

in the Mediterranean Sea.


The ship crashed on some rocks.

Then the soldiers wanted to kill all

the prisoners!

But Paul was SURVIVOR!


He had survived stoning.

He had survived mob justice.

He had survived corporal punishment.

He had survived assassination attempts.

And now he survived a storm,

a death threat and a snake bite!


No wonder he wrote in one of his

letters, "In All These Things,

We Are More Than Conquerors!"



Are you a survivor?

Will you survive Covid-19?

Will you survive Economic setbacks?

Will you survive Relationship challenges?

Will you survive Social erosion?


Become a Survivor,

by anchoring your faith

in the Word of God,

and trusting the Life

Saviour, Jesus Christ.
