Looking Out for Our Seniors | Helping Seniors Radio Podcast
Kerry Fink, Helping Seniors Executive Director & Radio Host, visits with special guest Hon. Dave Weldon MD (Board Certified Internist and former U.S. Congressman) as well as with Danica Scuderi-Carluccio (Advocates for the Aging) and Karen Wernlund (Emerald Care Management) and they talk about the "it takes a village" approach to doing our best for Seniors.
Also, Danica and Karen talk about how good Care/Case Managers can help with that "I'm overwhelmed" feeling that often comes up as we tackle issues related to aging! Good information for Seniors and those who love and care for them.
For More Information on Advocates for the Aging: AdvocatesfortheAging.com
For More Information on Emerald Care Management: Facebook.com/CareBroker
For More Information on Helping Seniors: HelpingSeniorsofBrevard.org