Lowell Ganz Interview P1
11 January 2025

Lowell Ganz Interview P1

1049 Park Avenue: An Odd Couple Podcast

In this episode we are honored to be joined by Lowell Ganz who, with his partner at the time Mark Rothman, wrote more episodes of The Odd Couple than anyone else - 12.  They were also on the writing staff for S3-S5 so they have a hand in all episodes for those seasons.

In this first of a two-part interview we discuss Mr. Ganz's background and the incredible story of how he got his first job in showbiz which was on The Odd Couple; a week in the life of The OC writing staff and how an episode went from script to film; and go into detail on each of his 12 episodes which are:

- The Ides Of April

- The Hustler

- My Strife In Court

- Gloria Moves In

- The New Car

- Barnacle Adventure

- Cleanliness Is Next To Impossible

- The Flying Felix

- Shuffling Off To Buffalo

- The Odd Candidate

- The Subway Story

- Two On The Aisle


Please note that at one point there was a Wifi outage which forced the interview to move from Zoom Video to phone and you may hear the quality of Mr. Ganz's audio change a bit.