#8 - Incredible AI Image Generator for Social Media + Important New ChatGPT Feature

#8 - Incredible AI Image Generator for Social Media + Important New ChatGPT Feature

Adam Egger and Peter Dern

About this episode

Today Adam presents a new tool that made him feel how he felt when he tried out ChatGPT for the first time. Speechless! This tool can be used to design banners, social media posts, posters, birthday cards, and invitations in no time. Incredible!

Show Notes:

Disable ChatGPT Historyhttps://openai.com/blog/new-ways-to-manage-your-data-in-chatgpt

Google Trends for ChatGPT, Bing and Bardhttps://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%201-m&q=chatgpt,bing,bard

Microsoft Designerhttps://designer.microsoft.com/

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