2. WORKING WITH YOUR INNER GUARDIAN: How to tell your body it doesn't need to hold on to fat.

2. WORKING WITH YOUR INNER GUARDIAN: How to tell your body it doesn't need to hold on to fat.

Chris Clark

About this episode

Learn how to communicate with your body.

Work with your Inner Guardian, not against it.

For most healthy people, their Inner Guardian’s drive to ensure their survival is an overwhelming imperative. Your Inner Guardian exists solely for the purpose of preserving you (as long as you’re useful to your human tribe). It drives you to seek energy to consume, and it does its best to hang on to your existing stores of energy (body fat).

Many dieters who want to lose weight try to directly oppose and defeat these imperatives. This is a losing battle. Denying hunger usually leads to cravings and bingeing, and the vicious cycle begins again.

Your Inner Guardian is stuck in the past. It is hard-wired to help you survive in an ancient environment that has long since vanished; an environment that existed before the technological revolutions that made food so easy to come by. For millennia, this adaption has served humanity well. Now it’s having the opposite effect. In the 21st century many of us are surrounded by too much food, too easily acquired, containing too much energy.

When you try to fight against your Inner Guardian’s energy-seeking drives, you are likely to either:

• Lose the battle and gain weight

• Yo-yo diet, gaining and losing weight on the carousel of dieting

• Develop an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia, in which you battling obsessively and constantly to stay thin

• Die of starvation

So . . . what’s the answer?

You cannot re-wire your Inner Guardian, but fortunately you can communicate with it, if you learn to speak its ancient, silent language, “body-speech”.

By talking to it in its own language you can make it “know” that you are surrounded by ample food containing ample energy. And when it understands that, it can cease driving you with hunger and cravings to eat more, more, more, and pile on more and more weight.

Your Inner Guardian

You can actually use your Inner Guardian’s motivations to your advantage, if you recognize them and work with them.

If instead of fighting against your Inner Guardian you work with it, cooperating with it, you’re more likely to achieve your goal of weight loss. After all, your Guardian really does want what’s best for you.

These are the messages you need to send to your Inner Guardian:

• There is no danger of famine, so it’s okay for the Guardian to loosen its hold on your fat stores.

• Your body needs to utilize fat stores for activity, so your Guardian should free up that energy by burning the fat.

To find out more, listen to this episode.