Lewis Kay Casting - How to make casting love you (and allllllllllllllllllllll the questions you've ever wanted to ask a casting director)
04 March 2022

Lewis Kay Casting - How to make casting love you (and allllllllllllllllllllll the questions you've ever wanted to ask a casting director)


This episode welcomes Jenny and Sara from Lewis Kay Casting. These two are both firmly entrenched in the Canadian and American Casting Scene. Their expertise is in indie films but they also continue to spend a lot of time on their series and feature film work. Recent credits include the Amazon Prime hit “The Boys”, the Amazon series The Lake, the award winning cult hit, “Letterkenny”, and Taika Waitit’s “What We do In the Shadows” to name a few. They both love what  they do, and they both really love actors.

Today we’re going to take a look at the questions that casting directors get asked the most and some tips to make casting directors friggin' love you.