17. Dr. Cori Hanson - Supporting Student Leaders, First Year Student Experience, and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

17. Dr. Cori Hanson - Supporting Student Leaders, First Year Student Experience, and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

Whatisyour1percent@gmail.com (Jennifer Wang, Maeesha Biswas, Cori Hanson)

About this episode

Cori Hanson has served at the university for over a decade, first as a residence coordinator at New College, holding other roles such as Assistant Registrar. She is familiar to many students as a former advisor in the first-year office, staff liaison of the Undergraduate Engineering Research Day (UnERD), and currently leading efforts in EDI (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) as the founder of the Engineering Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Action Group at U of T Engineering.

Notable Quotes

    "Learning is not one size fits all, and so goes for the university experience. More flexible and accessible experiences will be the way forward at every university and every program."  - Cori Hanson, on undergraduate learning."The community is changing, and how do we make sure it's an inclusive space for everyone?" - Cori Hanson, on building an inclusive community."(I) bring student leaders into a space and see what they do with it." Cori Hanson, on her most rewarding experience of working with FASE.

Resources mentioned with Links

Task Force and Action Groups and Initiatives

    Engineering Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Action Group
      Towards inclusive practices session, overcoming imposter phenomenon
    Joint Task force on mental health academic advising
      What student don’t understand is tapping into a system of support is big part of being a successful student
    Technology Enhanced Active Learning Community of Practice

First-Year and Upper-Year Resources

    Guide to First YearGEAR mentorsEngCEOsMental Health Academic Advising

Research Resources

    Learning abroadSummer Research Program within EngineeringUndergraduate Engineering Research DayFirst-Year Research FellowshipResearch Catalogue - ClnxUofT Engineering Undergraduate FAQ page

How to get in touch with  Cori

    email: cori.hanson@utoronto.ca

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This podcast is supported by the Hart House Good Ideas Fund, the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, the Department of Chemical Engineering, and the Engineering Alumni Network, all at the University of Toronto.

Music from Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/sonda/were-in-it-together. License code: AT02WGQJBZNM4PMH