#03 中学英語1年レベル Part 1 人称代名詞の所有格| Part 2 人称代名詞の所有格

#03 中学英語1年レベル Part 1 人称代名詞の所有格| Part 2 人称代名詞の所有格


About this episode

In this episode of Tabisuta Flash Translate, we are going to talk about Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives. Learning these will help you be more specific with your language.

On the other hand, Possessive Adjectives are often used to express possession or ownership. They are used before a noun to show who or what owns it.

We’ll be sharing two sets of ten statements. After we give you each statement, you will have approximately five seconds to translate them to Japanese. As you work through our translation exercises, take note of new words in a vocabulary list. It’s also important that this list includes the sentences that the vocabulary words came from.

Here are the translations of the statements you could hear from the podcast. Let's see if you got them correctly.

Part 1- 人称代名詞の所有格

私は会計士です。- I am an accountant.

あなたは医者ですか。-  Are you a doctor?

彼はシェフです。 - He is a chef.

彼女は先生ですか。 - いいえ、違います。 - Is she a teacher? - No, she isn't.

私たちはフィリピン人です。- We are Filipinos.

あなた方は看護師ですか。- Are you nurses?

彼らは俳優です。- They are actors.

彼女たちは大学生ですか。 - いいえ、違います。- Are they college students?- No, they aren't.

あなたは楽しみですか。 - はい、楽しみです。- Are you excited?- Yes, we are.

彼は気さくな方です。- He is friendly.

Part 2- 人称代名詞の所有格

彼女は私の同僚です。- She is my coworker.

あの犬はあなたのペットですか。- Is that dog your pet?

この子たちは彼女の甥っ子たちです。- These children are her nephews.

あの少女たちは彼の姪っ子たちです。- Those girls are his nieces.

これは私たちの家です。- This is our house.

あれはあなた方のオフィスですか。- Is that your office?

あれは彼らのアパートですか。- Is that their apartment?

私の息子は中学生です。- My son is a junior high school student.

あなたの奥さんは看護師ですか。- Is your wife a nurse?

彼女の靴は赤いですか。 - いいえ、違います。- Are her shoes red?- No, they aren't.