#02 中学英語1年レベル Part 1 Who is / are ? | Part 2 What is / are ?

#02 中学英語1年レベル Part 1 Who is / are ? | Part 2 What is / are ?


About this episode

In this episode of Tabisuta Flash Translate, we're gonna talk about question words, namely - Who and What. Learning these will help you be more specific with your language.

“Who” is used when asking the identity of a person while “What” is used when asking the identity of an object or an attribute of a person

We’ll be sharing two sets of ten statements. After we give you each statement, you will have approximately five seconds to translate them to Japanese. As you work through our translation exercises, take note of new words in a vocabulary list. It’s also important that this list includes the sentences that the vocabulary words came from.

Here are the translations of the statements you could hear from the podcast. Let's see if you got them correctly.

Part 1 - Who is/are?  Statements

Who is this girl? - She is my cousin. - この女の子は誰ですか。 - 僕のいとこです。

Who is that boy? - He is Jake. - あの男の子は誰ですか。- ジェイクです。

Who are those men? - They are my husband and father. - あの男の人たちは誰ですか。 - 私の夫と父です。

Who are those women? - They are my wife and mother. - あの女の人たちは誰ですか。 - 私の妻と母です。

Who is that tall man? - He is Mr. Park. - あの背の高い男の人は誰ですか。 - パクさんです。

Who is that beautiful woman? - She is Ms. Jenner. - あのきれいな女の人は誰ですか。 - ジェンナーさんです。

Who are you? - I am Ben Harris. - あなたは誰ですか。 - ベン・ハリスです。

Who am I? - You are my cousin. - 私は誰ですか。 - 私のいとこです。

Who are they? - They are my classmates. - 彼らは誰ですか。 - 私のクラスメートです。

Who are they? - They are my coworkers. - 彼女たちは誰ですか。 - 私の同僚です。

Part 2 - What is/are? Statements 

What is this? - It is a smartphone. - これは何ですか。 - スマートフォンです。

What is that? - It is an envelope. - あれは何ですか。 - 封筒です。

What is this? - It's a watch. - これは何ですか。 - 時計です。

What is that? - It's a blanket.- あれは何ですか。 - ブランケットです。

What are these? - They are Italian books. - これらは何ですか。 - イタリアの本です。

What are those dogs? - They are beagles. - あの犬は何ですか。 - ベーグル犬です。

What are those? - They are old coins. - あれらは何ですか。 - 古いコインです。

What are those men? - They are firefighters. - あの男性たちは何ですか。 - 消防士です。

What are those women? - They are flight attendants. - あの女性たちは何ですか。 - 客室乗務員です。

What are those people? - They are engineers. - あの人たちはなんですか。 - 彼らはエンジニアです。