Some Labour politicians have been calling for a wealth tax, claiming a 2% tax could raise £24bn. Where are the numbers from and do they add up?
A listener asked why housing in the UK is the oldest in Europe. We explain what’s going on.
The Office for National Statistics has changed how it measures the value of pensions and knocked £2 trillion off its estimates of wealth. Not everyone thinks it was a good change. We find out why.
And Lent is here, but how long is the Christian fasting period? We look at the history of a very flexible 40 days.
Tim Harford investigates some of the numbers in the news, and the world around us.
Presenter: Tim Harford
Reporter: Lizzy McNeill
Producers: Nathan Gower and Charlotte McDonald
Series producer: Tom Colls
Production co-ordinator: Gemma Ashman
Sound mix: Gareth Jones
Editor: Richard Vadon