Located at 103.3 of the quadrant in the frequency modulated band, XHSQ “Radio San Miguel” was born on Saturday, August 26, 1961 as XESQ 1280 AM Radio San Miguel. Its first owner was General Ramón Rodríguez Familiar and since 1970 it is a Public Limited Company called Radio San Miguel, SA

Proudly positioned as the radio station with the greatest penetration in the municipality. Since July 2011 we broadcast through 103.3 FM with 6,000 watts of power.

Radio San Miguel has distinguished itself by having a varied program of music for all tastes: Mexican, romantic, grupera, children, pop music in English and Spanish. Programs of informative content, providing culture and entertainment to our listeners, as well as programs for rural communities such as El Cartero del Aire and El Recadero SQ where people from surrounding communities are informed, to come to collect messages or find out what that they tell them to say by telephone their relatives in the north and other states of the Republic

The "Events Happened or Will Happen" program begins broadcasts in December 1961, as well as "The Radio Snoop" in which ephemeris, obituaries, the saints are mentioned and all kinds of news and comments regarding our community, the same be political, ecclesiastical, social or sports matters.

As well as these, we could mention many programs such as "National Connection" and "Find out both" with local, national and international news; “Here among us” magazine program with comments on shows, recipes, events and local parties; "Rosa Azul" with children's music dedicated to all kids, "Musical Vibration" with modern and electronic music for young people.

A very special feature is that 80% of our programming is live, a situation that allows us close contact with the public, thus providing timely information, at the same time that the events occur. By maintaining a “Live” programming we have a plant of qualified announcers and operators that adjust to the needs of the market.

We transmit 24 hours. of the day We have high-tech equipment, being at the forefront, since our system, both production and transmission, is digital.
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