Nguono Fm
Nguono Fm

We are a Christian based radio station with a mission of impacting the world with the gospel of Christ through music and teachings.

Disclaimer : We do not own copyright to songs featured in this channel, they belongs to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended ©

Ng'uono Fm 108.1

Ng'uono Fm 108.1

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Appel à don / soutien

Chers auditeurs bien-aimés, merci d'avoir choisi notre station de radio. Nous vous appelons à soutenir cette station de radio Gospel pour atteindre davantage d'âmes à travers le monde. Envoyez vos dons à l'adresse e-mail de notre compte Paypal : info dot G T R media at Soyez béni lorsque vous prétendez soutenir l’Évangile du Christ.

February 4, 2024

Call for support

Dear our beloved listeners, thanks for choosing our radio station. We call upon you to support this Gospel Radio station to reach out to more souls around the globe. Send your donations to our paypal account email: info.gtrmedia@ , Be blessed as you purport to stand with the gospel of christ.

February 4, 2024

Support / Donation

Partner with us by sending your donation to our PayPal account: Be blessed abundantly for your support. the gospel to spread around the world.

February 4, 2024