As a church family (a group of imperfect people seeking the Lord), we believe the Bible is God’s message revealed to us for the purpose of guiding us toward Him. With this in mind, in the Bible we find essential truths that lay the foundation for our faith in Jesus Christ. These truths are at the core of who we are as a church.

Our family believes in one eternal God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Our family believes in God the Father, who is the Creator of all things seen and unseen

Our family believes in God the Son, Jesus Christ, who is God’s Son and our Savior and who:

- Was born Jesus of Nazareth, both fully human and fully divine, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary

- Lived the perfect, sinless life and taught us to live like He did 

- Suffered and was crucified not for his own sins, but for the world's sins

- Died, was buried, and rose from the grave on the third day following His death

- Ascended into Heaven and now sits at the right hand of God the Father

- Promised to return to earth to judge all people, both living and dead

Our family believes in God the Holy Spirit, who has been God’s presence on earth from the beginning and who:

- Is an active and vital part of God

- Lives and works in every baptized believer (Christian)

Our family believes in the Bible—God’s message, His Holy Word (Scripture).

- We believe God inspired the original writings of the 66 books of the Bible and those original writings were without error (inerrant)

Our family confirms the Bible as the final authority for all matters of faith and practice as it reveals God, God’s vision, God’s purposes, and God’s good news for all people

Our family believes the Bible teaches that all people…

- Are separated from God through sin

- Are without hope apart from God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ

Our family believes the Bible teaches that salvation (forgiveness of sin and reuniting with God) is only by grace (God’s gift of salvation given without merit) through Jesus’ sacrificial death and realized through relationship with Him

Our family believes the Bible teaches that one commits to this relationship with God and His grace by…

- Believing in and trusting Christ to save them

- Repenting of sin (acknowledging and hating sinfulness, and deciding to forsake the life of sin)

- Confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord (a decision to submit to Jesus' desires in every area of life)

- Being immersed (baptism means "immersed under water") into Christ in obedience to the gospel

Our family believes that the Bible teaches that our committed relationship to God prompts a response from every believer (disciple). This response to our relationship with God inspires us to:

- Worship God

- Love each other in perfect unity

- Grow spiritually to become like Jesus

- Share the good news (Gospel) of Jesus Christ to all people

-Serve others

Our family believes the church, the group of believers in and followers, of Jesus Christ is...

-Founded by Christ

-Established after Christ’s resurrection

-Consists of all believers (Christians) everywhere who have obeyed the gospel

Our family believes the Bible teaches that Elders (also called Shepherds and bishops) are the spiritual leaders and guides of the local church
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